2017 Staff & Counselors
2017 Staff:
Back Row (L to R): Emily Yantz, Katelyn Handy, Heidi Blair, Dakota Crookston, Becky Keller, Sheri Jacobs, Alexis Werner, Jeanne Haas, Linda Hicks.
Middle Row (L to R): Stacy Edwards, Pam King, Director Rachel Barnes, Governor Emily Stanley,
Lt. Governor Grace Brunner, Lindsay Maudlin, Department President Claudia Saterlee,
Dr. Michele Eckermann, Paige Lawrence.
Front Row (L to R): Jackie Pashang, Anne Werner, Yvonne Ziblut, Heather Williams, Amy Peters.
2017 Counselors & Assistant Counselors:
Back Row (L to R): Aubrey Hitchcock, Vinu Rao, Nicole Kirk, Chancia Fairley, Josie McClendon, Haydnn Neufeld, Kylie Baima, Bailey Blair.
Middle Row (L to R): Katie Haley, Lori Van Houtan, Ellery Barnes, Marie Divine, Morgan Anderson, Alyssa Acosta.
Front Row (L to R): Anna Marie Sosa, Ashlee Setina, Andy Anderson, Kelli Jo Henderson.